Oiné, pronounced “on-yay,” is a popular drinking game in Ireland that has been enjoyed for centuries. The game involves players singing a traditional Irish song while passing around a cup of alcohol. As the song progresses, the cup is passed from person to person, and whoever is left holding it when the song ends must drink the contents.

Oiné is deeply rooted in Irish culture and has been a beloved pastime for many generations. It is often played at social gatherings, weddings, and other celebratory events. The game is not only a fun way to break the ice and bond with others but also serves as a way to honor and preserve Irish traditions.

In conclusion, Oiné is more than just a drinking game – it is a symbol of Irish culture and heritage. So, the next time you find yourself in Ireland, be sure to join in a round of Oiné and experience the magic for yourself.#18#